
Students have the perks to record any lecture and hear again for better clarity in French Speaking.

Study Material

Activities are created for the students to practice new grammar and vocabulary

Why School French

World class certified trainers providing excellent services that reflected in our reviews.

French Language Classes in Pune

Bonjour!! We are multi lingual experts with hands-on experience of more than 7 years in French. School French teaches French language to all students of all age groups and for all the levels. We teach elementary, beginners to advanced level students. Teaching French is our passion more than just work. Students taught uptill now: - School Students (Grade 1 -12), DELF/DALF, Professionals for Business French and Migrants TEF/TCF.

How We Will Help you To Improvise French

School French teaches according to students needs and make students understand the concept very easily and within no time.

  • Activities are created for the students to practice new grammar/vocabulary, and exercises that are useful are made for them as per their aptitude, so that they can practice different skills. Videos are shared for their listening understanding.
  • Students are provided with Worksheets, crosswords, quiz, assessment, exercises, recordings, question papers, test series, videos, audios and free demo class for students.
  • Mock exams and practice sheets are used to help students in exam.
  • Whiteboard functionalities are used to teach students effectively.
  • Tools used: - Brain mapping, organizers, notes making Classes are taken via Google Hangout, Google meet, Zoom, Skype, Etc.
  • Classes are held initially in ENGLISH then gradually in FRENCH.
  • 100% result guarantee is assured here along with overall development of the child.
  • Why French ? French anguage is regarded as one of the most romantic languages across the world especially in the Indo-European families which have descended from the Latin language. French language is spoken in more than 42 countries and there are more than 300 million French speakers around the world. After English, it is the most widely spoken language in the world. Therefore, French language courses are taught along with the English language in schools. Even in India, a lot of national and international schools have started teaching the French language right from the 3rd or 4th standard and students take it as a second language in their 10th Class Board Exams.
  • Why gained popularity suddenly ? French is an official language in 29 countries across multiple continents, most of which are members of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), the community of 84 countries which share the official use or teaching of French. French is also one of six official languages used in the United Nations. It is spoken as a first language (in descending order of the number of speakers) in France the Democratic Republic of Congo, Algeria, Morocco,Canada , Cameroon, Belgium (Wallonia and the Brussels-Capital Region), Ivory Coast, Tunisia, western Switzerland , Monaco, parts of Luxembourg, parts of the United States (the states of Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont), northwestern Italy (autonomous region of  Aosta Valley ), and various communities elsewhere.
  • Foundation Course
  • Speaking French And basic French
  • Bachelors in Hospitality Management French course
  • Business French And AP French
  • Exam question paper solving practices
  • Formal French - interviews in French
  • School summer holidays workshops
  • French university preparation course (BA, MA)
  • Advance French and grammar course
  • Certificate courses
  • French study abroad course
  • French as hobby or for resume
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French Speaking Classes in Pune

What You Will Learn From School French

Courses are designed in such a way that anybody can expertize in French easily

School French

This course is designed for Grade 1 -12 for national/ international students.


DELF and DALF are diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education.

General French

School french provides Basics that are the foundations of this language

TEF/TCF/Migrants to Canada

The TCF exam is a language test developed by the French Ministry.

Professional French

Aimed at students who want to add a more to their French language learning.

Miscellaneous Courses

Here we provide with all sorts of help in learning of all the other French courses.

School French

This course is designed for Grade 1 -12 for national and international students. Here the students are prepared to give their introduction in French in 1 month and also basic vocabulary of French is taught.For some students who already know French, worksheets and question solving exercises are given. The Course will include the following topics

  1. Basic French
  2. Speaking French
  3. Listening French
  4. Translation of school chapters along with audio of respective class textbooks
  5. Grammar
  6. Worksheets
  7. Last year question paper solving exercises
  8. Vocabulary
  9. French stories
  10. Introduction
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DELF and DALF are diplomas awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the level of French-language skills of non-French speakers.  The diplomas are valid for life and recognised all around the world. To obtain them, you must take the DELF and DALF examinations, which assess your communication skills in real situations using authentic documents.

Delf A1

  1. Greet people
  2. Talk about yourself
  3. Talk about where you live
  4. Talk about your family members
  5. Talk about your likes and dislikes
  6. Engage in a simple buy-and-sell situation
  7. Ask about the day, the time and the date
  8. Accept and refuse
  9. Read simple notices, posters and catalogues
  10. Fill in a simple form
  11. Write a simple postcard

Vocabulary topics

  1. Alphabet
  2. Numbers
  3. Family name & Given Name
  4. Residence
  5. Personal items
  6. Classroom objects
  7. Nationalities
  8. Professions
  9. Marital status (married / single)
  10. Countries & Cities
  11. Hobbies
  12. Family
  13. Time
  14. Prices
  15. Weather / Climate
  16. Date
  17. Days of the week
  18. Descriptions (small, big, old, young, etc)
  19. Colours
  20. Seasons
  21. Places

Grammar Topics

  1. Tonic pronouns
  2. Present tense - State, Description
  3. Common verbs: be, have, do, to be called
  4. ER Verbs: to live, to work, to talk
  5. Verb: to understand (I and You forms)
  6. Condionnal for politeness (I would like to)
  7. Interrogation (the 3 forms)
  8. Interrogative words: Do you, What do you
  9. Interrogative pronouns: Where, When, How much
  10. Interrogative adjectives (what)
  11. It is / This is / Here is
  12. Definite and Indefinite articles
  13. Zero article for professions
  14. Cardinal numbers
  15. Demonstrative adjectives
  16. Masculine/Feminine Singular/Plural
  17. Agreement of Adjectives (for nationalities)
  18. Some descriptive adjectives (big, small, ...)
  19. Position of adjectives
  20. Affirmative and Negative sentences
  21. Negation (not)
  22. Possessive's to show belonging
  23. Possessive adjectives
  24. Partitive articles (of the)
  25. Adverbs of quantity (a few, a lot)
  26. Uncountable
  27. Countable
  28. Impersonal 'it' for the weather
  29. Expressions of time (now, this morning, tomorow)
  30. Expressions of time (days, months, seasons, year)
  31. Expressions of Place: go to / come from + a city
  32. or country; live in + a city or country
  33. There is / There are
  34. Connectors: and, or, but

Speaking Topics

  1. First encounters
    • Greet sb
    • Take leave of sb
    • Ask sb's news or Give your news
  2. Introduction
    • Tell about yourself or sb else
  3. Give your name
  4. Spell your name
  5. Tell your age
  6. Tell your nationality
  7. Tell your profession
  8. Talk about your daily life
    • Give your address/email
    • Give your phone number
    • Talk about your family
    • Talk about your hobbies
  9. Describe an object / a person
    • Tell apart sth or sb
    • Say the price of an object
    • Talk about ownership
    • Talk about quantity
    • Describe the weather
  10. Ask for an information
    • Ask for personal information
    • Ask about the date
    • Ask about the time
    • Ask about a service
  11. Talk about when something happens
    • Tell the date
    • Tell the time
  12. Talk about where something happens
    • Give directions about a city / a country
    • Give instructions or advice
    • Accept something: Agree to sth
    • Refuse something: Disagree
    • Participate in a conversation
    • Say what you don't understand

Delf A2

  1. Self-introduction
  2. Evoke oneself memories:
  3. Opinion giving
  4. Make comparisons
  5. Talk about the future
  6. Phone conversations
  7. Ask for / Give information
  8. Ask for / Give explanation
  9. Express cause and consequence
  10. The emotions and the feelings
  11. Obligation and prohibition
  12. Express the hypothesis
  13. Express the condition
  14. Write a letter, a mail, etc.
  15. Thank, congratulate, accept and / or decline an invitation


  1. The present perfect tense
  2. Express habit in the past
  3. Agreement with the past participle
  4. Expression of “Passé Récent “, “Présent Progressiand “Futur Proche “
  5. The present conditional tense
  6. The present of subjunctive after some verbs
  7. Study of Pronouns: direct and indirect pronouns
  8. Study of Pronouns: the pronouns « EN » and « and
  9. Study of Pronouns: simple relative pronouns
  10. Study of Pronouns: possessive and demonstratpronouns
  11. Position and agreement of adjectives
  12. Adverbs ending with “–ment”
  13. Degrees of the adjective: Comparative superlative
  14. Reported speech in simple present tense
  15. Express the cause and the consequence
  16. Hypothesis in present
  17. Indicators of time


  1. Daily routine
  2. Family
  3. Professions
  4. Education system
  5. Living place
  6. Cultural and sportive activities
  7. Gastronomy
  8. Traditions and festivals
  9. Feelings and emotions
  10. Opinion expressions
  11. Temper and personality
  12. Health and food
  13. Objects
  14. Nature and weather forecast
  15. Travelling,
  16. Telephone
  17. environmental problems
  18. Medias


  • La vie quotidienne
  • la famille
  • - les relations personnelles - les loisirs - les sorties - les achats - les transports - les voyages - l’hebergement - les autorites

  • Les personnes
  • - le corps - la sante - le caractere - les vetements

  • Les sentiments :
  • - joie - tristesse - deception - ennui - peur - regrets - surprise - curiosite - indifference

  • Les lieux :
  • - la ville, la campagne, la geographie physique Les evenements : - rencontres, incidents, accidents, phenomenes naturels Le monde professionnel - l’entreprise, l’emploi L’ecole : - le systeme scolaire, la formation Les medias : - les programmes televises, les journaux, Internet Les sujets d’actualite - vie quotidienne, faits divers et faits de societe Les arts - le cinema, la litterature (nouvelles, contes), le theatre, la peinture, les spectaclesx`

  • Les temps du passe
  • - Passe compose ou Imparfait - Accord du participe passe avec le sujet (auxilliare etre) - Accord du participe passe avec le COD (auxilliare avoir) - Le Plus que Parfait

  • Le futur
  • - le futur simple (projets d’avenir) - le futur proche (futur plus ou moins lointain)

  • >Le conditionnel present
  • - le souhait (j’aimerais, je voudrais, Ca me ferait plaisir de) - le desir - le conseil - l’hypothese (faits imaginaires)

  • Le conditionnel passe
  • - le regret - le reproche

  • Le discours rapporte
  • - Au present et au passe

  • La concordance des temps
  • Le subjonctif
  • - la possibilite - l’obligation - verbes de sentiments - verbes d’opinions

  • Le passif
  • - la description d’une action - ‘On’

  • Le gerondif
  • - la maniere - la condition - la simultaneite

  • L’expression de l’hypothese
  • - L’hypothese certaine : Si + Present / futur - L’hypothese incertaine : Si + Imparfait / Conditionnel present - Le regret : Si + Plus que parfait / Conditionnel passe - Le regret : Si + Plus que parfait / Conditionnel present 5 of 8

  • Les doubles pronoms
  • Les pronoms relatifs simples : qui, que, dont, ou
  • Les pronoms possessifs
  • Les pronoms demonstratifs
  • La restriction : ne ... que
  • Les tournures interpersonnelles simples
  • - Il est interdit de - Il est utile de - Il est important de

  • La localisation temporelle
  • - L’expression de la duree (pendant / depuis) - L’expression du moment (dans / il y a) - Les adverbes de temps : expression du futur et du passe

  • La localisation spatiale
  • - les prepositions et les adverbes de lieu

  • Les adverbes de maniere
  • - en ~ment

  • La comparaison
  • - le superlatif de l’adjectif - le superlatif de l’adverbe (le mieux, le meilleur)

  • La negation
  • - sans ~ment

  • Les articulateurs chronologiques du discours
  • - d’abord, ensuite, enfin, premierement, deuxiemement

  • Les articulations logiques
  • - cause : donc, puisque - consequence : comme, alors - opposition : pourtant, alors que

  • La conjonction «pour que » + subjonctif


  • Presenter qqn
  • - Parler de son environnement quotidien

  • Caracteriser qqn ou qch
  • - Decrire une personne – Physique, Caractere, Problemes de sante - Decrire un objet - Decrire un lieu - Decrire un phenomene naturel - Decrire un fait de societe - Comparer des faits (une activite artistique), des idees

  • Demander qch a qqn
  • - demander des informations - demander un avis - demander un conseil - demander une autorisation

  • Demander a qqn de faire qch
  • - commander / reserver - demander de payer - demander un service - reclamer qch - donner des instructions - conseiller - deconseiller

  • Accepter qch
  • - autoriser - permettre - donner son accord

  • Situer des evenements dans le temps
  • - Indiquer l ‘origine - Indiquer le moment d’une action - Indiquer la duree d’une action

  • Situer dans l’espace
  • - Situer une personne - Situer une personne - Situer un lieu

  • Exprimer un sentiment positif (ses gouts, son interet)
  • - La joie

  • Exprimer un sentiment negatif
  • - La tristesse - La deception - L’ennui - La peur - Les regrets - Se plaindre 7 of 8 - Faire un reproche a qqn

  • Exprimer un sentiment positif ou negatif
  • - La surprise - La curiosite - L’indifference

  • Exprimer une opinion / un jugement
  • - Dire du bien / faire l’eloge de qqch ou de qqn - Dire du mal . critiquer qqch ou qqn - Faire des hypotheses / des suppositions - Exprimer la possibilite - Exprimer la certitude - Exprimer la doute - Approuver - Desapprouver

  • Rapporter les paroles de qqn
  • - Presenter des opinions - Rapporter un discours - Reformuler

  • Parler du passe : Raconter un evenement du passe
  • - Raconter un fait divers - Raconter une experience personnelle - Raconter une histoire (reelle ou fictive) - Raconter l’evolution d’une situation - Evoquer des souvenirs

  • Parler de l’avenir
  • - Exprimer un souhait - Faire un voeu - Exprimer une intention - Exprimer la condition - Parler de ses projets - Exprimer une prevision / une prediction - Promettre

  • Argumenter
  • - justifier son point de vue - exposer ses raisons, un probleme - analyser, expliquer un probleme - insister, mettre en relief - demontrer, exprimer une solution - conclure

  • Participer a une conversation
  • - Engager la conversation - Continuer une conversation - Mettre fin a une conversation - Faire preciser - Faire patienter qqn


  • The students apply everything they have learned so far, all the grammar as well as vocabulary points will be tested through diverse activities.
  • Furthermore, it will be given the students to use the ability to think by themselves in order to give strong and convincing argumentation.
  • The following shows the detailed information about C1 and C2 levels.
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    General French

    You will learn French quickly, once your basics are clear. You will be introduced to the basic topics that are going to be covered during the course. You will learn some really interesting French words, sounds, and pronunciations.

    1. Voccabulary
      • Alphabets
      • Greetings
      • Colours
      • Numbers
      • Days of the week
      • Months of the year
      • Clothes
      • Fruits
      • Vegetables
      • Education system in France
      • Profession
      • Family
      • Body Parts
      • Animals
      • House
      • School
      • City
    2. Grammar Topics
      • Articles
      • Vowels
      • Punctuations
      • Verbs (Present Tense)
      • Singular/Plural
      • Gender
      • Nouns
      • Adjectives
      • Adverbs
      • Question forming
      • Pronominal verbs
      • Conjugations
      • Subject Pronoun
    3. Speaking Topics
      • How to give your introduction in French
      • Do shopping
      • Describe yourself in French
      • Describe an object
      • Daily routine in French
      • Participate in a conversatio
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    TEF/TCF/Migrants to Canada

    The TCF exam (Test de Connaissance du Français) is a language test developed by the French Ministry of National Education designed for people over 16 whose first language is not French. This test, recognized internationally, proves the candidate’s language skills in French at a given time. The TCF result is valid for 2 years. There are different versions of the TCF depending on the needs and the target audience, for instance, TCF tout public and TCF ANF. The TCF tout public is for people who want to assess their level for academic, professional or personal reasons. The exam consists of:

    TEF/TCF/Migrants to Canada

  • The TCF exam (Test de Connaissance du Français) is a language test developed by the French Ministry of National Education designed for people over 16 whose first language is not French.
  • This test, recognized internationally, proves the candidate’s language skills in French at a given time.
  • The TCF result is valid for 2 years.
  • There are different versions of the TCF depending on the needs and the target audience, for instance, TCF tout public and TCF ANF.
  • The TCF tout public is for people who want to assess their level for academic, professional or personal reasons
  • .
  • The exam consists of: compulsory parts: oral comprehension, written comprehension and grammar;
  • optional parts: oral and written expression.

  • The TCF ANF exam is for people who want to acquire French nationality.
  • The exam consists of 4 compulsory tests: oral and written comprehension as well as written and oral expression.
  • The certificate must attest to a minimum Delf B1 level in the 4 skills.
  • The TCF ANF exam is for people who want to acquire French nationality. The exam consists of 4 compulsory tests: oral and written comprehension as well as written and oral expression. The certificate must attest to a minimum Delf B1 level in the 4 skills.

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    Professional French

    Professional/Business French provides endless opportunities for students to practice language and communication within professional contexts, building the skill set necessary to succeed in today's fast-growing industries.

    1. General French
    2. Difference between Formal and informal French
    3. Formal French vocabulary
    4. Formal introduction
    5. Understand the French corporate culture, French companies operating, life in France.
    6. Acquire know-how, interpersonal skills and linguistitools to understand and interact with your co-workersyour line management, your clients (hosting businesvisitors, phoning, speaking out in public, handling meeting professionally, asking appropriate questions...
    7. Improve your writing (writing letters, reports, emai...)
    8. Develop a now technical vocabulary related to youactivity
    9. Read and understand specialist articles, businescorrespondences and documents
    10. Manage your timetable (make an appointment, preparbusiness trip, participate to a business lunch
    11. Introduce your company and your activity resolve workplace conflict through discussion, coachingmediation. Negotiate and set out your arguments.
    12. Interview in formal French
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    Miscellaneous Courses

    Here we provide with all sorts of help in learning of all the other French courses along with paper solving and corrections of grammar and speaking.

    1. French as a hobby
    2. French for resume
    3. French literature
    4. French in BA hospitality
    5. Speaking french
    6. Question paper Solving
    7. French trainer
    8. French teacher
    9. Tour guide
    10. Junior French courses
    11. French certifications
    12. French grammar
    13. GCSE French
    14. French vocabulary
    15. Job interviews in French
    16. Delf junior
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    Priyanka Gupta, Wakad , Pune

    +91 8956967337